Elemental Acres PEI


Mindful and empowering

Horse Archery

With our Canadian Federation of Mounted Archery Certified Instructors

Horse Archery, because it's more than just HorseBACK Archery!

Here at Elemental Acres the horses are deeply infused in just about everything we do. It's only natural that we would combine Instinctual Archery with Horses.

Both Emma and Marina are avid Horse Archers. They train, compete, and are CFMA Instructors. Their teaching style is most definitely holistic. They are dedicated to the horses first and work hard to have fun with the horses, rather than at the horses' expense.

Join our Club!

Paladin Horse ArchersĀ 

As the only official CFMA club on PEI, with the only Mounted Archery Instructors on PEI, we have been listening and understand that travel distance is a big barrier to many of you. We are excited to offer a new schedule moving ahead for the 2025 Mounted Archery season!
In 2025 we will offer monthly club practices on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month, starting in May. These club practices will run for 3.5 hours and pay per session - $60. In that time we will hold ground practice and mounted practice.
No experience is necessary. We will provide all equipment and horses. However, if you want to bring your own steed you are absolutely welcome and encouraged to.
We are already very excited for these changes and look forward to running the archery track in 2025! If you might want to join us please reach out and we will add you to the list of people to contact in the spring!